The 3rd Transnational Meeting for European Project DEAL (Dementia Education Approach Life) was carried out on 13 & 14 February 2020, in Figline Valdarno, Italy. DEAL is the 2-year Erasmus+ European Project, which aims at enhancing the competences and skills of caregivers of people with dementia.
The main topic of discussion was the piloting of the training course, which has started in the most of partners’ countries. The partners discussed for the first results from the evaluation of raining course, as how they can improve the educational material. In Greece, the training course will start at the beginning of March.
In addition, they discussed about the Joint Staff Training, which will be held in Italy on 22-23-24 April 2020. The participants will be trainers and caregivers.
Project partners are p– and University of Patras from Greece, SOSU Ostjland and Aarhus Kommune from Denmark, ASP Martelli and Irecoop Toscana from Italy, ROC Drenthe College from Netherlands and Errotu Taldea SA from Spain.
3rd Transnational Meeting for European Project DEAL
3rd Transnational Meeting for European Project DEAL