CJLL’s Summer School

In July of 2024, Law students from four European countries (Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Greece) will have the opportunity to attend a Summer School that is going to take please in Palermo, Italy, for the sake of the project Climate Justice Living Lab (CJLL).

CJLL intends to fight against anthropogenic climate change aiming at the very basis of those who fight for the problem, Universities’ Law School students. Being very well aware that present and future professionals of the field seriously lack in knowledge concerning Climate Law and therefore their ability to be the protagonists in Climate Justice is below par, the CJLL project seeks to teach them how to dynamically act while at the same time protect human rights.

One of the CJLL project’s deliverables is the Summer School in July 2024 in Palermo. There, the participants will almost exclusively be Law students who have expressed interest in the field as well as the project. In the Summer School, the student will have the unique chance to delve deeply into Climate Law and various litigation battles and they will gain a hands-on experience by way of simulation. A particular emphasis is going to be placed in filling in the educational gaps concerning the scientific aspects of the matter.

The goal of this training program Is to enhance the participants’ skills, as they are the future of Climate Law in Europe, so that they can effectively address the challenges they are to encounter in the future in their field. To that effect, along with promoting cooperation among the various universities of the program, the Summer School is going to involve academics and trainers from diverse disciplines such as Law, Science and NGOs which are concerned with the environment and the climate change. This interdisciplinary approach will help students gain a better understanding of the different aspects of such a complicated matter as Climate Law.

Apart from this face-to-face training program in Palermo, the students and CJLL participants will get to attend a similar program, but this time from the comfort of their own home seeing as it will take place online in Winter. However, this training program does not only involve law students, but rather a wider range of stakeholders like journalists, activists, lawyers, judges. Through this program, the participants will gain new knowledge that will constitute them not only as aware citizens, but also more efficient professionals who, on account of their training, can deal with environmental challenges in general and climate change in particular.

All of us in Climate Justice Living Lab expect those two training schools to play a pivotal role in the progress of the field of Climate Law. It is our wish to inspire not only future, but also current professionals to become effective drivers of change. And it seems like both the Summer and Winter School are a step towards the right direction.

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