Dropping out from VET

Dropping out from VET

VET education, across the European Union, is facing a major problem. Students drop early their studies.

EU country members strive to provide their citizens the best possible education and training and have established a framework for the exchange of best practices and mutual learning. Aiming to reduce the rate of early dropping of VET education, the project “Dropping the Baggage” has been created.



“Dropping the Baggage” project

Dropping the Baggage – Investing in the future is an Erasmus+ project that focus on developing virtual tools and methods that will help teachers:

  • understand how they can help more their students during educational procedure and
  • help more those who are at risk of early school leaving



Research to VET Teachers and Students

As data collection is important for the development of digital tools, primary research is being conducted among VET educators and students, in Greece, the Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom

The research aims to record views on issues related to the educational process, the educational environment and educational approaches.

p-consulting.gr , as project partner, is conducting the research in Greece.



How can I participate?

  • If you are a VET Teacher, follow the link below:

    • If you are a VET Student, follow the link below:

Stay tuned for more information about the project and its activities!

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