1st Annual Meeting of the European Community of Training Providers
The importance of training in work and entrepreneurship has been highlighted First Annual Meeting of Training Providers which took place on 13 and 14 March in Thessaloniki on the premises of CEDEFOP. This meeting resulted from an initiative of CEDEFOP and all Pan-European Learning Networks (EfVET, EVBB, EVTA, EUCEN, EUproVET and EURASHE). Thus, in May 2017, the European Community of Educational Providers was set up to play a leading role in the future policies in the European Union.
There has always been a great distance between those who created the policy and those for which the policy was curved. This fact created many gaps in education as well.
What is this Community?
The European Community of Educational Providers consists of 45 members from 17 EU countries and Turkey. They represent the sector of education and training in relation to employment and the most of them are the specialized experts in their countries or at European level. Including Universities, Colleges, Chambers, Industrial Associations, etc.
It consists of 3 committees that meet regularly and deliver 2-month reports on specific topics. The committees are as follows:
- technology Enhancing Learning dealing with technology in education (Industry 4.0, A.I., etc.)
- Mobility of trainers (physical and virtual)
- Integration of immigrants into the EU of today
The purpose of the community is to provide real-time views of education providers to the European Commission and any interested party. It will be the market platform of the ancient Greeks, on issues that the European Commission deals with. A pan-European platform will be set up in 2019 where everyone could find good practices in his own language on the above 3 thematic fields and post his own. It is, therefore, a multifunctional platform that can be a daily tool for all.
The meeting
The meeting was opened by Luke Zahilas, DSI Head of Sector, Cedefop. He mentioned that the creation of this community provides the basis for practical communication and exchange of ideas and opinions, bridging the gap between theory and action. Working with those who actually practice EU practices in the room the results are ecpected to be only positive. Joao Santos of the European Commission has admitted, that for years Brussels has neglected the observations of education and training providers. In recent years, however, important steps have been taken, and now the views of education providers are on the agenda of the European Commission and, together with Anna Barbieri, welcomed the creation of this community.
Tina Bertjeletou, senior CEDEFOP expert, the community’s soul, said: “For one thing, I am happy. After so many years it finally becomes a reality, a communication platform that education so much needed.”
We were there too
P-consulting.gr was represented through its general manager, Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos in the Technology of Education Committee. It has provided experience from public and private education institutions (VET) as well as from digital education providers. This new Europe initiative gives Greece a unique opportunity to shout out and participate in such an important community. Already the next appointment was given to Austria and we will be there.