The INTGEN, is a 3-year European Project, which is implemented under the ERASMUS+ program: Key Action KA2. The project is implemented by nine (9) partners, whose countries of origin are the United Kingdom, Spain, Finland, Greece and Belgium. Implementation of the project began in September 2014 and its actions will be completed in September 2017.
Priority of INTGEN is the transfer of knowledge and communication skills among entrepreneurs of older generations to younger potential entrepreneurs. Mixing all generations, is estimated to highlight good practices and useful techniques related to business activities.
Beneficiaries of the project will be mainly young people who are interested to do business immediately or in the future. Existing entrepreneurs will have the role of mentors, spreading the entrepreneurial spirit and business culture to new generations. The development of educational tools and electronic platform will stimulate mentoring and training process to be held.
By strengthening entrepreneurial ideals among all generations, the results obtained from implementing the project are expected to be useful and important for interested parties.
More information about the INTGEN can be found on the website of Project, as well as the attached newsletter.
To view the newsletter, click here