On June 24, we found ourselves in the beautiful city of Antalya, Turkey for the transnational meeting of the HVET project partners. We had the opportunity to meet in person and review in detail the progress made so far in the individual modules that the project addresses.
More specifically, the content and material of the online seminar for trainers in VET structures were presented and defined, as well as the relevant platform. The results of the survey conducted in 5 countries, in which hundreds of VET teachers responded, were announced. This survey will help in the final shaping of the online diagnostic tool for hybrid environment education. The results of the pilot survey conducted with students were presented, as well as the difficulties faced by some countries and the actions, they have taken to resolve them and achieve the desired outcomes. The current design and structure of the Hybrid Mystery game were presented, along with its implementation timeline. Finally, we saw the new newsletter and the project dissemination plan, as well as issues of administrative and financial nature.
As we departed, we took with us all the necessary information we needed for the next steps and how we should proceed to achieve the goals set.