The importance of KEYS! project, for Ukrainian migrants/refugees

KEYS! is a project of high importance, especially nowadays, when the Ukrainian Crisis is at its peak. The Russian violent invention increases the number of migrants, across Europe.Right now, the number of migrants/refugees, at EU countries increases rapidly.

Is Europe ready to welcome and intergrade them successfully?

Have we ever wondered; how will this integration be successful? How will migrants/refugees, have all the needed socially but also in education? What is the case in VET, regarding migrants/refugees?

The importance of KEYS! project, for Ukrainian migrants/refugees 3Europe Union should immediately acknowledge the importance of all migrants/refuges having the possibility to:

  • long career,
  • lifelong – learning,
  • sustainable employment, and
  • social inclusion.

All the above, are the main objectives of KEYS!. For this reason, KEYS! has very difficult, and at the same time very important, task to accomplish. KEYS! project is aiming to homogenize the necessary conditions for a smoother integration of migrants in education and vocational training.

What is the case in VET for Ukrainian migrants/refugees?

How important is the successful integration of Ukrainian migrants/refuges in VET? What are EU countries going to do for successful integration? Have they taken the essential measures? How are they going to face the war’s effects?

ReferNet’s members, the network of institutions created by Cedefop, discussed in early April the ways to deal with the repercussions of the war in the field of VET.

Το έργο KEYS! και σημασία του, για τους Ουκρανούς μετανάστες

In this forum, 80 VET representatives participated, from European Union, Island and Norway. There, the representatives, discussed about the latest news. Furthermore, they exchanged information, including how to deal with war’s effects in Ukraine, regarding VET.

Representatives shared the latest information regarding their countries. Those information was concerned the support measures taken or that are going to be taken, regarding the access of Ukrainian migrants/refugees, to VET, education and labor market.

Key points of ReferNet’s report in KEYS! partners’ countries

Let’s find out some key points of ReferNet’s report, regarding VET. Following, there are some information and points, specifically of the KEYS! partners’ countries. The partnership consists of 10 partners, from 9 different countries.

Which are the measures that have been or will be taken, about Ukrainian migrants/refugees, according to ReferNet’s report?

  1. In Finland (partner: Axxell Utbildning AB):
    • There is a free right to apply for vocational training, which does not require any specific status or citizenship.
    • The education of students enrolled in vocational training receiving temporary protection is funded under the funding scheme for education and culture.
  1. In the Netherlands (partner Stichting Regionaal Opleidingencentrum Zuidholland Zuid (da Vinci College)):
    • Ukrainian students (16+ years old) can go to a VET study programme.
    • Some VET schools have started to offer Dutch languages courses to Ukrainian refugees.
    • Doing internships in the Netherlands is possible for Ukrainian interns if the Temporary Protection Directive applies and if employer, intern and training institute sign an internship agreement.
  1. In Cyprus (partner Centre For Competence Development Cyprus (COMCY)):
    • The University of Cyprus and the Cyprus University of Technology have announced that they will be offering scholarships to Ukrainian students
    • The Ministry of Education is planning online courses that follow the Ukrainian educational system providing Ukrainian students with tablets.
    • Students may enroll in schools according to the established policy for the integration of children with migrant background.
    • Students who do not speak Greek attend Greek Language courses.
  1. In Greece (partner
    • The Ministry of Migration published bilingual (Greek and Ukrainian) resources for Ukrainian refugees. A guide for education and training and an online schedule has been created for the convenience of organizing the education process (in English and Ukrainian)
    • It has been decided the establishment of a European Task Force to support pupils and students of Ukraine and the creation of a digital platform, which will:
      • host requests from the Ukrainian educational community documenting its needs for equipment, training materials and technical assistance, and
      • to set up a mechanism to cover them, with the assistance of Member States, business sector, civil society and organisations, but also international organisations with similar experience and know-how.
  1. In Portugal (partner AEVA – Associacao Para A Educacao E Valorizacao Da Regiao De Aveiro):
    • Guidelines for the integration and inclusion of Ukrainian children and young: defines a set of guidelines for schools in Portugal with a view to the inclusion of Ukrainian refugee children and young people
    • All citizens who are granted temporary protection may apply for emergency student status for humanitarian reasons.
    • The admission of these students is not subject to quantitative
  1. In Spain (partners Centro San Viator and Calasanz Santurtzi S.L):
    • Educational materials in Ukrainian and Spanish for the regions are available.
    • There is temporary reception of teachers from Ukraine to support students.
    • Acceleration of procedures of educational qualifications and the accreditation of professional skills – the personnel assigned of qualifications will be reinforced
  1. In Germany (partner Internationaler Bund – IB Mitte gGmbH für Bildung und Soziale Dienste Niederlassung Sachsen):
    • Providing places at VET schools – limited ressources; need for additional teachers; integrating Ukrainian teachers wherever possible.
    • Maintain/create/expand cooperation with Ukrainian schools, keeping up contact and links to Ukrainian schools.
  1. In Slovenia (partner  ACADEMIA, izobrazevanje in druge storitve d.o.o):
    • Enrolment into schools under the same conditions as Slovenian citizens.
    • Enrolment during the school year enabled.
    • Free of charge Slovene language lessons.
  1. In Norway (partner Trondheim kommune, Trondheim voksenopplæringssenter):
      • Possibility of removing language requirement.
      • Possibility of translating the curricula.
      • Mapping and recognition of refugees’ qualifications.

As it is mentioned above, in the project partners’ counties, they are trying to integrate as successfully as possible the Ukrainian migrants/refugees.

In the report here, there are all the measures taken regarding the support of Ukrainian migrants/ refugees  among over 25 EU countries.

The KEYS! project, aim and tool for successful migrant integration

KEYS! project is aiming to help meaningfully migrant integration in VET. KEYS! aims at:

  • Increasing the number of migrants entering VET and getting a VET degree
  • Smoothening the transition from language/ integration training to VET levels 1–3
  • Increasing the employability of migrants and strengthen their social inclusion
  • Developing migrants’ key competences so that they can cope with the different work-life situations in terms of continuity of employment
  • Increasing the cooperation between language teachers, VET trainers and employers

How will this be achieved?

KEYS! project, in order to achieve all the above, will create a range of digital tools, which are captured below:The importance of KEYS! project, for Ukrainian migrants/refugees 4

  • Online toolkit. This toolkit will help teachers develop the key competences of learners in a way that helps migrants successfully transfer from integration/ language training to VET.
  • Learning portfolio and virtual support. The development of learning portfolio and virtual support system that focuses on key competences based on the content of the toolkit and a virtual guidance support system for migrants to succeed in entering VET
  • Booklet of best practices. In this booklet there would be a drawing up the best practices and recommendations for actors of the field of migrant education.

The above tools will be technically produced by, with great experience in developing digital training tools (addressed to adults and minors). These digital tools will help migrants/refugees in their smooth integration to VET.

If you are a VET provider or teacher, language teacher, if you have ever worked in integration of migrants field or if you just want to help:

Learn more about the KEYS! project here !

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