Read the newsletter of D-Care – Respite and Respect and learn more about the activities of the 1st year of project’s implementation.
D-Care is an Erasmus+ (KA2) project, which is addressed to caregivers of people with dementia (professionals and family members), aiming to train them, in order to acquire the needed knowledge and competences for providing high quality care to people with dementia.
Key actions of the 1st year of implementation
Partners’ meetings
The 1st transnational partners meeting took place in November 2019 in Umbria, Italy. The aim of the meeting was partners to understand the project and everything that concerns its implementation. After Kick-off meeting and due to COVID-19 pandemic, partners had several online meetings aiming to set up the procedures for developing project’s outputs.
Research on caregivers
Partners conducted 3 different researches in their countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, UK, Denmark, Belgium), targeting professional caregivers, non-professional caregivers and teachers of caregivers of people with dementia. Researches were aiming to identify the barriers which caregivers are facing and the lack of skills and competences. The results of the researches will be used by project partners to develop the curriculum of the online training course for caregivers.
Joint Staff Training in CST
Joint Staff Training of partners in Cognitive Stimulation Therapy was planned to take place in San Sebastian in June 2020, but eventually due to COVID-19 pandemic the training took place online in September 2020. For this training, partners developed an innovative training course which is on the project’s website.
How COVID-19 pandemic affected the project?
COVID-19 pandemic affected the scheduled activities of D-Care project for 2020. Project partners were not able to hold face-to-face meetings, either among them in order to organise project’s activities, or with target groups and relevant stakeholders. Instead of this, they organised successfully online meetings, with useful results and conclusions.
In addition, due to the restrictions in traveling, the Joint Staff Training of partners was canceled and an e-learning training took place, through the e-learning platform which partners developed. is participating to D-Care as project partner from Greece, along with Koispe FAROS, and is responsible for the development of all the digital tools of the project.