The Joint Staff Training of LOST project was implemented successfully in Pisa (Italy), from Tuesday 6th of November until Friday 9th of November 2018 (4 days) and it was attended by representatives from project partners and affiliated organisations from Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Denmark.
During the Training, participants discussed about the structure and the content of the Training Course for the professionals who are working on missing people cases, the piloting in Italy, Spain and Denmark and the E-learning Platform which will contain the joint Training Course, as it will be finalised after the piloting.
Moreover, during the meeting was presented the first draft of the E-learning Platform and there was a discussion concerning the content of the Platform and the ICT tools that are going to be used.
The use of technology it’s very important, taking into account the specificities from one country to another, concerning the level of skills of professionals working in missing people cases and the actions taken to address the issue of Missing People in Europe.
During the Joint Staff Training, each partner contributed with his know-how in specific fields in order to further develop the Training Course for the professionals and E-learning Platform.