[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Privacy Policy” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
The website “p-consulting.gr” includes content that consists copyright of “C.M. SKOULIDI & SIA L.P.”
The security policy of “p-consulting.gr”, has as principle the relevant provisions of both the National law regarding to the protection of personal data and the ensuring of privacy communications (indicative we mention the laws 2472/1997 for the protection of personal data, 3471/2006 for the protection of personal life in the sector of e – communications, as they are applied today, the regulations which ensure the privacy communications of A.D.A.E. as they have been published to FEK 87 & 88/26-01-2005 and are valid today and P.D. 47/2005, as well as the relevant provisions of the community law. The relevant texts are available for public on the respective websites of the regulatory/supervisory authorities, specifically the Data authority protection (www.dpa.gr), the Authority for communication security and privacy (www.adae.gr) and the national communication & post deputation (www.eett.gr).
For the access to the services of “p-consulting.gr” are required the following:
• Name
• Username
• E-mail
• Password
The above data never being disclosed to third parties, while the holder of the electronic address has to preserve the privacy of password. The website “p-consulting.gr” may record the content of messages which sent from visitors / users of related services exclusively for the verification of the violation of terms of use, as expected in legal notice and for no other reason. The website “p-consulting.gr” will not disclose the content of messages, except the user agrees.
The present website includes references to other websites (links), constructed by other individuals and organizations. That references provided in favour of users, for further information.
The website “p-consulting.gr” has the right to change anytime and without warning the terms of use of the website and publish in the present site. For the above reason, we recommend to users visiting often the current page.