Active Ageing-AIDA
“Active Aging For The Elderly With ID”
This new European project Active Ageing-AIDA deals with people aged three and four with intellectual disabilities and more specifically with their social activity and the best quality of life they can acquire. AIDA will provide the necessary knowledge and tools to ensure that professionals – experts dealing with elderly people, host organizations and the families of these individuals can behave and convey to these individuals what is necessary for active action during the ageing AIDA period.
- Raising awareness among society about older people with ID and their ageing, but also the care and the special needs they need for a better life
- Promoting social inclusion and non-discrimination
- The creation of a map identifying the bio-psycho-social characteristics and needs of older people with intellectual disabilities.
- Identification of the technical skills necessary for trainers, carers of elderly people and their families in order to improve their vocational training
- The creation of a curriculum of trainers working with professionals, dealing with older people, in order to improve their training
- The implementation of an online educational program based on the curriculum
Teachers of the socio-sanitary area of VET centers.
Professionals and care workers of people with intellectual disabilities
VET students who will receive better training in the field of care for the elderly with intellectual disabilities
VET institutions and other relevant stakeholders
Elders with intellectual disabilities and their families
Other Stakeholders
Local, regional, national authorities responsible for education
The outputs of the AIDA project are the following: