Quahvet project traveled on 27-28/05/2024 to Bilbao in Spain, a beautiful city full of art and flavors. The 2nd transnational project meeting took place there and all partners from 4 countries attended.
It was a great pleasure as we had the chance to discuss face to face the progress that has been made so far, the results of the research been made at the same time in Greece, Italy, Sweden and Spain, we exchanged ideas and opinions. We analyzed thoroughly HVET Digital Gateway, one of the deliverables of the project and we decided its content. HVET Digital Gateway, will have informational resources on the HVET system and its prospects, along with a digital platform providing access to these resources and digital Open Educational Resources (OERs) targeted towards guidance counselors. It will be developed in English and translated to all partners languages. Finally, we set the frame of our future activities and made a detailed plan with specific deadlines for the steps made ahead as long as our LTTA in Patras next September.
Let’s have some glimpses on our meeting.