Nowadays, the students are characterized by a particular heterogeneity, regarding the performance, the level of abilities and capabilities and their personal learning interest. The number of students, who present unwanted behavior and lack of interest, is more and more growing. It is important for students to have a connection with the school’s natural and social environment. The contribution of educators is essential for this procedure. The motivations are different from student to student, but educators are able to make them acquire a positive attitude to new knowledge.
What is the role of educators in learning process?
The basic priority of the educators is activating children’s learning motivations. They know how important their role in the involvement of students is. Educators try hard to activate the students, but they often face problems. The main challenge for them is the active involvement of the students in learning process. Educators have to motivate at the same time students with low level of interest and students with increasing cognitive abilities. It is known that the traditional way of learning is not effective anymore and effects negatively in the involvement of the students. Educators want to change it, in order to have the results that they want. So, they are searching new and attractive ways and methods able to create the appropriate learning conditions.
What is the ProLearn project?
The European project Erasmus+ ProLearn lasts 36 months and is implemented by six organizations from Poland, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Romania. The main aim of the project is to foster children’s learning process and cognitive abilities through holistic approach and innovative methods. The cognitive abilities of children will be maximized and the early school dropout will be reduced, through speed up the learning process.
The active involvement of the student is necessary for increasing learning outcome.