p-consulting.gr, is conducting a survey about the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational environments of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Primary Education, in the framework of the implementation of the European project Erasmus+ KA2 Digital ECEC.
The survey
In the current phase of the project implementation, we are conducting a survey, in all European countries where Digital ECEC partners are active, to collect data and information, statistics, methods, barriers, challenges and approaches, on the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational environments of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Primary Education (for pupils up to 6 years old).
The survey is open to:
- Teachers employed in pre-school and primary education school units (for pupils up to 6 years old).
- Managers of pre-school and primary education establishments.
All the information and data collected will be integrated into the project results to be developed. For this reason, we invite you to take some of your time and fill in the two online questionnaires, to record your experiences/views. Those who are interested can participate by completing the relevant questionnaire:
- Questionnaire for teachers working in pre-school and primary education (=for pupils up to 6 years old).
- Questionnaire for managers of pre-school and primary education establishments.
The maximum time required to complete each questionnaire is 10 minutes.
The project
The Digital ECEC project aims to:
- to record and create a digital compendium of innovative and effective good practices regarding digital tools in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC) and primary education (for pupils up to 6 years old), from all over the European Union and especially from the countries of origin of the project partners (Lithuania, Spain, Italy and Greece).
- the development of an online educational programme and a digital platform for teachers in ECEC and Primary Education, with the aim of creating ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) based educational content, in particular the creation of animation, and
- the creation of a quality assurance framework to assess how digital tools have an impact on the 5 European Quality Principles.
The project is implemented by specialised institutions, companies, and educational organisations from Lithuania, Italy, Spain, and Greece.
Your participation is important for our survey!