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Survey for IT training providers is conducting an online survey for IT training providers, on existing tools and practices in teaching technology to seniors, in the framework of the European Project Erasmus+ Slow Learning. The main aim of the project is to train IT educators to acquire the competences and skills they need, so as to train effectively elders in new technologies. Seniors are a diverse group of adult learners for whom education is being prepared according to their needs.


To whom is the survey addressed and what is its aim?

Survey for IT training providers 1

This online survey addresses to IT educators and professionals, and IT training centers related with IT training to seniors.

The purpose of the online survey is to capture the wide views on the innovative and effective practices, methods and tools in teaching technology to seniors. The information will help the partners to create a compendium of good practices in teaching IT to older people, which will be available on project’s website.

The survey for IT training providersis conducting to all partners’ countries, Slovenia, Denmark, Greece and Spain. The information collected, will be processed only for the purpose of the survey, respecting the requirements of G.D.P.R.



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