The Future of VET in Greece

Vocational Education and Training – Future is here!

When we attemt to discuss issues such as Education, Vocational Training and Career Opportunities, we usually think about the future.

But developments are rapid, and they are already happening in Europe!

In Greece baby steps are been done, maybe steady ones, but in Europe we have an revolution!

The policies and objectives of the European Union are based on key pillars such as:

  • Learning based on work in all its forms.
  • Ensuring quality in the labor market.
  • Strengthening key competences and skills.
  • Professional development of teachers and trainers.

These goals, however, do not only have one way direction!

They will try to establish excellence through social inclusion. The support for acquiring professional skills will now be provided with technological and innovative tools in order to achieve the best possible results. This, of course, requires cooperation at all levels within and outside Europe.

But what does it mean in practice to apply innovation to excellence;

Based on the ReferNet project Cedefop, has identified key innovation initiatives and techniques that have been proposed in various European countries. Some European Members have launched successful initiatives for vocational training and excellence by including education as part of their innovation strategies.


The main findings of the project are:

  • Training more flexible and autonomous
  • Education more attractive
  • Technological change is imperative
  • Dynamic change in the labor market
  • Imperative for globalization

In order to achieve these changes, which are so important for the future of Greece, we need to give significant attention to both training of the trainers and trainees, and also to the educational tools themselves.

Collaboration between different groups (teachers, employers, consultants, etc.) should stimulate the development of a healthy ecosystem. There may be small steps, especially in countries with similar dynamics as Greece, but they are the basis for the future.

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