On Tuesday 17th November 2020, was held online the last transnational meeting for “DEAL- Dementia, Education, Approach, Life” project, which is aiming in training professionals and non-professionals caregivers of people with dementia. The meeting was planned to take place in Patras, but due to COVID-19 pandemic, partners couldn’t travel.
The project is in the final phase of its implementation and the purpose of the meeting was for partners to discuss issues related to the development of the final project outputs and the completion of the remaining activities.
What has been decided at transnational meeting?
- Production of a video for caregivers of people with dementia. The aim of the video will be to recruit people for dementia care and to improve the status of care in general. The video will be available on English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Denmark and Dutch.
p-consulting.gr is responsible for the production of the video.
The production of the video is foreseen to be completed until the end of December 2020.
- Development of policy paper, which will be distributed to relevant stakeholders in partners’ countries (Ministry of Health, etc.). Policy paper will provide information on the current situation in Europe regarding dementia care, with special reference to partners’ countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands).
University of Patras is responsible for the creation of the policy paper, with the contribution of all project partners.
Policy paper is foreseen to be completed in December 2020.
- Implementation of an online Multiplier Event, focusing to dementia, to the results of DEAL project and to the developed training program for professional and non- professional caregivers of people with dementia.
Multiplier Event will be organized by University of Patras, with the participation of p-consulting.gr. Target audience will be caregivers of people with dementia, care staff, family members of people with dementia and all those who are interested in this issue.
The event has been planned for Monday 7 December 2020. Those who are interested will be able to register to an online registration form, which will be available in the upcoming days.
Stay tuned to be informed about our next activities!