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Women OnLine met successfully

On Monday 14th of December, the workshop “Women online!” for the European project Erasmus+ WinOnLine was held online. p-consulting.gr and Patras Women Union, partners of the project from Greece, organized the workshop. The workshop was addressed to women entrepreneurship/e-entrepreneurship and its purpose was to present WinOnLine project, to discuss about the development of an e-enterprise and to inform about the opportunities for funding.


Speakers of the workshop were:

  • Charitini – Maria Skoulidi, co-owner of p-consulting.gr & Mrs. Anna – Maria Rogdaki, President of Patras Women Union, who presented WinOnLine Project, its aims, its expected results and the training program that is foreseen to start until June 2021 for women who want to become e-entrepreneurs,
  • Georgia Papantonopoulou, who as an owner & founder of an e-enterprise, presented the difficulties and the opportunities that women are facing in starting an enterprise, and she encouraged them to dare it,
  • Maria Michopoulou, Representative from the Region of Western Greece, Project Manager of ICON WOMEN, who provided useful information on the financing actions for entrepreneurship and presented ICON WOMEN project which subject is woman entrepreneurship at Region of Western Greece.


Women OnLine met successfully 1


After the speeches, an extensive discussion was followed by all the participants, exchanging ideas and experiences.

The workshop ended with the promise that similar events will be organized soon, as they concern many women who want to make their dreams come true and create their own enterprise.

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