On Tuesday, June 12, 2018, has started the training program for learning new technologies in people over 50, in the framework of the implementation of the European Project TECHSenior in Greece. The training process involves a number of 45 people, divided into 7 small classes. The courses take place in Patras, at the offices of p-consulting (Iroon Polytechniou 92) and KOISPE “Faros” (Mycenwn 1) (partners of the project in Greece).
The training schedule is weekly, lasting 2 hours, and will last for a total of 7 weeks.
The main topics to be covered are:
- Search for information on Google’s search engine,
- Create an e-mail account,
- Create a social network account (Facebook),
- Learning – Understanding how to use Skype,
- Internet Banking,
- Uploading photos online.
The training material is posted on the Project’s website and will be available both during the course completion and after the end of the training program.