The partnership of e-VET4AI project released, only a few days ago, the 2nd newsletter of the project. Six months after the launch of the first, the e-VET4AI team proceeded to publish the 2nd newsletter, which you may find available both on the project website and on the
At the newsletter, you may find information regarding:
- the Transnational Project Meeting, held in Zarautz (Spain),
- where we are now – the phase of the project,
- the next steps
- Learning, Teaching and Training Activity in Germany,
- date and place,
- call in action,
- criteria, and
- agenda.
Meet the project’s team:
- ITKAM, Italienische Handelskammer Fur Deutschland, from Germany.
- Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A., from Italy.
- Asociacion De Centros De Formacion Tecnico Profesional De Inciativa Social De Euskadi Hetel Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea De Durango (Bizkaia),from Spain.
- ECOLE – Enti Confindustriali Lombardi Per L’education – Societa’ Consortile A R.L.,from Italy.
-, from Greece.
- CBE – Cooperation Bancaire Pour l’ Europe, from Belgium.
Stay tuned!