2ο ενημερωτικό δελτίο του έργου RE-CREW

The 2nd newsletter of the RE-CREW project has arrived!

The journey of the RE-CREW project

Don’t miss the 2nd newsletter of the RE-CREW project. p-consulting.gr, together with the other project partners, are revealing the impressive journey of the project so far! RE-CREW project started in September 2022 and will end in August 2024. The project has been created to actively and effectively help SMEs to respond to the new challenges of the labour market and to help them hire, recruit and attract the right employees for the success of their business.

What will you learn?

For the successful implementation of the project, from its beginning until today, the partnership has conducted primary and secondary surveys, online and face-to-face meetings and several other activities, resulting in the achievement of several important milestones throughout its implementation. One of them? The international online event “Human Resource Management Challenges in SMEs”, held on 18 May 2023. The international online event attracted over 100 visitors from 17 countries. You can find it available here!

The partnership is currently developing the Guidebook for Recruiting in Small Businesses: Analysis of the Needs, Barriers, and Opportunities.  It has also defined its next steps for the creation of the Digital Assessment Tool, the open Guide for VET trainers and the RE-CREW online training platform.


Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about the latest news!

Follow RE-CREW on social media and keep up to date with its challenges and successes!

Stay tuned for more!

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