1st Newsletter for the project Co-Education in Green

Learn about Co-Education in Green

1st Newsletter for the project Co-Education in Green


Read the 1st Newsletter of Co-Education in Green and learn more about the project’s activities the first semester of implementation.

The 1st Newsletter provides information about:

  • The aim of the project, which is the empowerment of adult educators in community education, giving emphasis on environmental and accessibility issues for people with disabilities.
  • The target groups, which are mainly the adult educators, the adult learners and the learners with disabilities, the educational community and entities active in the field of adult education.
  • The outputs, which are an Interactive Database, an online Training Kit and a Manual on how to create multisensory gardens.
  • The next steps, that include the development of the Interactive Database which will contain best practices and information on how to transform shared spaces into green environmentally friendly areas.


p-consulting.gr participates in the development of all the outputs and it is responsible for the creation of the Interactive Database.

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