1st Newsletter for the project Win On Line
Read the 1st Newsletter of Win On Line and learn more about the activities of project’s implementation so far.
The 1st Newsletter for the project Win On Line provides information about:
- The aims and the outputs of the project, which focuses on unemployed women over 40 years old who want to become e-entrepreneurs, but they have low digital and entrepreneurship skills.
- The online surveys, conducted in all partner countries, with the aim of collecting information for the implementation of the project. The first survey was addressed to training providers, experts, professionals and mentors in entrepreneurship/women entrepreneurship and the second survey was addressed to women who want to become e-entrepreneurs.
- Focus Groups & Online Workshops, held in all partner countries, in order to inform women over 40 who want to become e-entrepreneurs, about the aims of the project and the expected results.
Stay tuned for more news!