4th Transnational Meeting for the project InclEUsion
On 24th of May 2021, the 4th Transnational Meeting for the project InclEUsion took place. The meeting was scheduled to take place in Patras by p-consulting.gr but was conducted online. The aim of the meeting was to determine the next activities related to the progress and development of the project outputs.
The main topic of discussion of the 4th Transnational Meeting was the preparation of the online training course for adult educators. The training course, which consists of six modules and will have the form of educational videos, has been developed in English and has been translated in Greek, Spanish, Italian, German and French. The videos will be ready by the end of June 2021 and after the summer each country will be able to start the piloting of the training course.
Moreover, in 2021 Multiplier Events will be held in all partner countries, in order to inform the public about the difficulties, problems and discrimination faced by immigrants with disabilities, as well as the contribution of the InclEUsion project to them.
Stay with us to learn more about the training course!