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Online meeting for InclEUsion

On 17 September 2020,  the online meeting for the European Project inclEUsion took place. The project inclEUsion addresses to adult educators involved in non-formal and informal learning activities for immigrants with disabilities. All project partners from Spain, Italy, Germany, Cyprus and Greece participated to the meeting.

What partners discussed on the online meeting?

Online meeting for InclEUsion 1

The first output of the project is an interactive database of essential information and directories for adult educators to use as reference and guidance. The partners discussed for the final details, as the database will be ready and available on the project’s website soon.

The second topic of the discussion was the online training course for adult educators. The partners gave their suggestions regarding the development and the structure of the educational material. Each partner is responsible for the development of an educational module.

Finally, they set the upcoming activities and the timetables for the project’s implementation. The next partners’ meeting will be implemented online on 11 November 2020, as it is very difficult face-to-face meetings to be conducted, due to the COVID-19 situation.

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