
TKNIKA visits

9 Basques Entrepreneurship Trainers

TKNIKA-visits-pconsultingSince May 21 and for 3 days we have hosted, 9 Basque entrepreneurship trainers. They come from various schools in the Basque Country and operate under the umbrella of TKNIKA. TKNIKA is a research and development organization and, among other things, upskills, reskills the trainers and develops new and innovative forms of education., on the occasion of its close cooperation with TKIKIKA, undertook their hospitality in the city of Patras.

ΤΚΝΙΚΑ & p-consulting

TKNIKA-visits-pconsultingThe purpose of their visit to Patras was to get acquainted with innovative local businesses that are active and innovative as well as educational institutions in our city. At the same time, they want to feel the atmosphere of a city that is bustling with students and has an international port.

They were briefed at offcies for entrepreneurship in the region, the procedures for funding new and existing businesses as well as the current situation and the difficulties young people have in finding or creating their own job. Finally, they were informed of the company’s actions in Greece and Europe as well as of their joint actions with TKNIKA both as a result of previous European collaborations and future ones.


Patras’ Companies

They visited ΤΟΒΕΑwhere they saw the company’s work, the plans for the future and the production line. They then visited the Science Park of Patras (an innovation hub) where they met ADVENTHELBIOCodefunnelsand NEWDRUG their products and services and their plans for the future. Then there was  ORANGE GROVE (a vibrant community of young entrepreneurs), and the business that supports it. The first day ended by visiting the offices of ENVY Softworks, which produces VR and 3D educational games. Another visit that impressed them was at the CBL, an innovative chemical industry, in the industrial zone of the city, where they walked around its impressive facilities. Unfortunately the time was very limited and they so did not get the chance to see many other businesses in Patras, that really are a gem for the business world in our region.

Vocational Training in Patras

TKNIKA is a research and innovation organization in the field of Technical and Vocational Education as well and thus its delegation has visited the cooking department of the Vergis Educational Organization. There, Letta and Katerina Vergi had prepared a mini training of producing the traditional “ekmek” dessert, which impressed the Basques.

The visit of the Basque delegation to our city ended with a visit to the  2o Εργαστηριακό Κέντρο Πάτρας, at the engineering workshops and at the Patras Vocational Training College – ΔΙΕΚ Πάτρας where the differences and similarities of the two educational systems were discussed with Giorgos Giotopoulos.


What is impressive is the mismatch between business needs and the supply of skills offered by potential employees. This translates into high unemployment and low competitiveness indicators for businesses in our region.

It is time for the world of education and the world of the market to speak the same language and the only certainty will be to reduce unemployment.

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