The 1st Newsletter of e-VET4AI project
e-VET4AI partners released the 1st Newsletter of the project. The Newsletter of the project is available at its website, that you may visit here, and also at the website of words about the Newsletter of e-VET4AI
The 1st Newsletter of the project was released in June 2022. The newsletter is available in 6 languages and has already been shared and promoted in the partnership’s countries. The Νewsletter is in digital form and its aim is to inform about:- the project;
- the project results;
- what has been done so far and
- the next steps.
How it was created
For the Newsletter creation, all partners contributed by sharing the essential information. Leader partner for the project’s Newsletter is CBE – Cooperation Bancaire Pour l’ Europe while for its configuration, illustration and its final form, the contribution of was important. The partners who are implementing e-VET4AI, are 7 and are coming from Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Belgium. And here they are:- ITKAM, Italienische Handelskammer Fur Deutschland, from Germany.
- Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A., from Italy.
- Asociacion De Centros De Formacion Tecnico Profesional De Inciativa Social De Euskadi Hetel Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea De Durango (Bizkaia), from Spain.
- ECOLE – Enti Confindustriali Lombardi Per L’education – Societa’ Consortile A R.L., from Italy.
-, from Greece.
- CBE – Cooperation Bancaire Pour l’ Europe, from Belgium.
- Qualifizierungszentrum Region Riesa GmbH, from Germany.
Stay tuned for more about e-VET4AI project!