TuDOrs article 1 featured

TuDOrs project

In October 2020, the implementation of a new European Erasmus+ Project was launched, in which pconsulting.gr participates as a partner.

The project is called TuDOrs “Turning Learning Liabilities into Opportunities and aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of foreign language teachers in terms of educating people with learning disabilities.

About whom it is?

TuDOrs project 1

TuDOrs is addressed to:

  1. Foreign language teachers
  2. Foreign language schools
  3. Educational institutions providing language courses.

Immediate benefits from the implementation of the project also arise for people with learning disabilities, as foreign language teaching will be done in a way that meets their special educational needs.

What is to be produced

1. Digital Compendium

The Compendium will be a multilingual digital tool for recording existing innovative and effective methods and practices for teaching foreign languages to people with learning disabilities. All the needed information will be selected from various European countries.

p-consulting.gr is responsible for the creation of the Compendium, with the participation of all partners in the recording and capture of relevant information.

2. Online Training Program

For the training of foreign language teachers, a specialized Educational Program is to be developed by the project partners. The Training Program will be available in English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Slovenian and Romanian.

The method to be followed will be distance learning. For the creation of the digital platform and part of the training material responsible partner is p-consulting.gr.

3. Digital Self-Assessment Tool

The Digital Self-Assessment Tool will enable foreign language teachers to evaluate their skills in the education of people with learning disabilities.

The digital implementation of the Self-Assessment Tool is undertaken by p-consulting.gr, with the assistance of all project partners.


Project Partners

Partnership consists of the following 8 partners:

The participation of organisations from 7 European countries demonstrates the geographical scope of the actions and therefore the creation of an important network of cooperation between organisations and foreign language teachers.


Online transnational meeting

The 1st transnational meeting of project partners was implemented online, due to the inability of partners to travel, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

TuDOrs project 2The online transnational meeting took place on 19th October 2020 and was aiming to set up the steps for the development of the first phase of project’s implementation.

During the meeting, the activities to be developed were analysed and the timetable for the implementation of these activities was finalised.

Stay with us to find out about the first activities which will be developed!

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