Evaluation of the ICT Self-Assessment Tool in Female Entrepreneurship.
The ICT self-assessment tool of entrepreneurial competences in the CCIs Sector has been finalized and offers self-assessment in three (3) areas of competences: “Ideas and opportunities”, “Recourses” and “Into Action”. The answers of the self-assessment lead to three (3) different assessment levels and their description is available in printable document. We invite all of you, that already run or willing to initiate your businesses in the CCIsS, to visit this ICT Toll and actively participate in its evaluation. The procedure to realize your evaluation is the following:
- You will find the User Guide with useful guidelines how to use the ICT Self-Assessment Tool, here.
- You will find the link to the ICT Self-Assessment Tool here. The time for filling in the ICT Tool’s questionnaire is approx. 15 minutes.
- You will find the evaluation questionnaire for your evaluation The time for filling in the evaluation questionnaire is estimated to be less than 5 minutes.
Objective of ICT Self -Assessment Tool in CCIsS.
p-consulting.gr, has developed this ICT Self -Assessment Tool for Cultural Entrepreneurship for women that run their businesses or aspire to do so, in the Cultural and Creative Industries Sector (CCIs). The ICT self-assessment tool has been developed within the implementation context of the European project Erasmus+ KA2, Female Entrepreneur: Reimagine your Professional self through Culture. The project aims at supporting women entrepreneurs or women attempting to create their businesses in the CCIs Sector. Also, It is simultaneously implemented in all partners’ countries, i.e., Greece, Spain, Belgium, Croatia, Romania, and Cyprus.
The framework? EntreComp!
The development of the ICT self-assessment tool was based mainly on the European Framework of Entrepreneurial Competences, better known as EntreComp. One of the key objectives of EntreComp is to develop a common conceptual approach to support development of entrepreneurship competences at European level. The framework aims, also, at establishing a bridge between the worlds of education and employability and targeting to foster entrepreneurial learning.
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