International Seminar for Entrepreneurship

On Wednesday, October 5th 2016, in San Sebastian, in Northern Spain, it took place the International Seminar for Entrepreneurship, entitled: “Intergenerational Entrepreneurship”, in the frame of the European project INTGEN. The seminar was attended by 50 participants from different countries, who shared their opinions and presented good practices about entrepreneurship.

P-consulting was represented by its founders Μrs Skoulidi Charitini-Maria and Mr Anastassopoulos G. Panagiotis, who had an active role during the seminar. More specifically:

    • Mr Anastassopoulos presented at the beginning of the seminar, the main points of INTGEN project and
    • Mrs Skoulidi, in cooperation with Mr Anastassopoulos, presented the 5-minutes video:” Entrepreneurship: From idea to reality”, from a mentee in Greece. Moreover, they presented the 2-minutes video:” The role of mentor”, from a Greek mentor.

The other speakers were:

    • Jacques Van Egten – President of CESES (Secot) Confederation of European Senior Expert Services
    • Lucila Gómez de Baeza Tinturé- President of SECOT Senior volunteers in business consultancy
    • Janet Dabbs – Director of Age UK
    • Marijo Moreno – Founder of ERROTU
    • Estefania Rodríguez – founder of the prized company NORTLAN-“Ethical Social Insurance”.
    • Angel López – Mentor of Estefanía’s
    • Peter Hodgson – ex-President of European Forum for Vocational Education and Training
    • Samuel Triguero – Director of R&D TKNIKA

The INTGEN, is a 3-year European Project, which is implemented under the ERASMUS + program: Key Action KA2. The project is implemented by nine (9) partners, whose countries of origin are the United Kingdom, Spain, Finland, Greece and Belgium. Implementation of the project began in September 2014 and its actions will be completed in September 2017.

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