Republic of North Macedonia

HighlIght the EuropeaN heriTagE thRough sustAinblE CreativiTy and cIrcular ecONomy
INTERACTION is a 24-month-long project of Erasmus+ which aims to enhance the transformation of art and creative businesses towards more innovative and sustainable models, keeping the environment and the fight against climate change as a priority. At the same time, it will highlight the European Heritage and Culture as it is what will constitute the main source of inspiration and interconnection between creative and art professions and sustainable and green practices.
INTERACTION aims to create synergies via a cultural e-platform for all stakeholders who, through digital and non-digital means and educational art workshops, will improve the green competencies of individuals in the art and creative professions by educating them about sustainable creativity and circular economy. The main source of inspiration and the “vehicle” that will move our project forward is the European Heritage.
INTERACTION’s principal objectives are as follows:
- To deliver new teaching methods and entrepreneurial guidebooks in order to promote green competencies.
- To make up for lost time for creative and art professions which were affected greatly by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- To educate present and future professionals of the sector so as to become more creative, develop more sustainable and innovative practices, and to achieve more successes.
- Artists
- Creative entrepreneurs
- Managers and Administrators of small businesses in the creative sector
- Future painters, musicians, sculptors, writers, historians, architects, fashion designers, wood carvers etc.
- VET professionals of the creative sector
- VET students of the creative sector
- Trainers and trainees in fields like entrepreneurship or business administration
Other stakeholders
- Local businesses associations, federations, and chambers
- VET institutions in charge of training future artists
- Ambitious young entrepreneurs
- Cultural organizations, museums, art institutions as well as environmental groups
- Other Erasmus+ projects, especially those that provide educational opportunities on sustainable creativity, green innovation, and art related fields
- Local communities which will benefit from the awareness and implementation of Environmental, Social and Governance policies
The deliverables of the INTERACTION project are: