Upgrading the skills of professionals for gender sensitive career guidance
The project is being implemented under the Erasmus+ program, by 6 from Denmark, Greece, Italy, Spain, Norway, and Slovenia.
GUIDE will deliver innovative digital tools on increasing the awareness of gender bias and barriers in career counselling
- Support professionals with career guidance responsibilities to check and move away from biases from traditional gender roles, which can limit choices and hamper aspirations.
- Develop gender sensitive career counselling tools for helping all genders to make better career choices.
- Train career counselors and teachers so as to improve their knowledge regarding gender inequalities in career guidance and become gender conscious.
- Develop a Toolkit for helping career counselors and teachers to guide all genders equally and without stereotypes.
target groups
- Professionals in career guidance.
- Career counsellors / advisors.
- Organisations working in the field of career guidance.
- Centers of Educational and Counselling Support.
- Career Guidance Bureaus of Universities.
- Teacher / trainers in higher education with career guidance responsibilities.
- Young people.
- Students in Universities and other educational institutions.
- Adult and VET training institutions.
- Adult and VET teachers / trainers with career guidance responsibilities.
- Relevant stakeholders
- NGOs and organisations in the field of gender equality.
- Public authorities in with career guidance responsibilities.
- Centers for Promotion to Employment.
- Job Finding Bureaus.
- Public and private career guidance stakeholders.
The outputs of the project GUIDE are:
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