“MAnaging Graduated approach and Including balanced Curriculum for Special Educational Needs Students”
MAGIC SENS is a two-year European Project, implemented by seven partners, from Romania, Italy, Ireland and Greece. The main objective of MAGIC SENS is to enhance the skills and competences of teachers, teachers trainers and all those subjects from the educational chain in dealing with young people with Special Educational Needs such as specific learning disabilities, specific language problems, ADHD deficit (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ASD deficit (Autistic Spectrum Disorders) and Borderline Intellectual Functioning.
- Enhancement of the skills and competences in primary schools
- Improvement of the quality and the effectiveness of the education procedure to classes with students with SEN
- Empowerment of the educational methodologies for students with SEN
- Creation of a SEN Toolkit for teachers
Teachers in primary schools
Kindergarten teachers
Graduates of Pedagogical Schools
Students with SEN and their families
Supervisory authorities of primary education
Directors of public and private schools
Professionals in Special Needs Education
Organizations for pre-school and school age students with SEN
Other stakeholders
National Federations and unions of organizations for mental health
The labor market organizations
The outputs of the MagicSens project are the following: